Sunday, September 22, 2013

7 Best Things About Oaxaca, Mexico

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Here's an idea for your next holiday: Get yourself a reservation at Hostal de la Noria in Oaxaca, Mexico and embark on a quest to experience the 7 best things this state has to offer.

1. Warm weather
Once you set foot in Oaxaca, the first thing that you will notice is how pleasant the weather is. The typical day here is sunny from morning to the afternoon and then cools down towards the evening. Oaxaca usually has a dry climate but experiences scattered rain showers from time to time. If you are from a country experiencing grueling winters, you will love it here.

2. Warmer people
Like other Southern American territories, the people of Oaxaca are genuinely welcoming and hospitable. While it is not a requirement to be friends with everyone you meet, being polite when you interact with them in the streets, market places, and key destinations is not going to hurt.

3. Amazing trips
Speaking of destinations, you must set aside time and budget to see the different sites of Oaxaca during your stay. Bring your cameras along because the sight of the waterfall of Hierve el Agua, rugs of Teotitlan del Valle, and El Tule are something that must be shared and remembered. There are also various beaches here such as Mazunte, Puerto Escondido, and Huatulco that you can check out.

4. Fantastic food
You haven't really tasted authentic Mexican cuisine unless you tried dining in Mexico. And here in Oaxaca, you will have lots of options. Go to the town square or market place and you will see many carts selling fresh vegetables, baked goods, chocolate, and various moles or sauces made from various spices common in many local dishes.

5. Local handcrafts
Aside from food and spices, you will also see many native handcrafts and other souvenirs being sold in the markets. Many locals make their living by making and selling black pottery, colorful wooden animals, dyed wool rugs, and embroidered clothing.

6. Irresistible prices
Because of issues concerning their economy, the prices of almost everything in Oaxaca are cheaper compared to other destinations in the Americas. That is why it is encouraged that you buy some of their products. This will be a big help to the locals and their tourism industry.

7. Accommodations
Lastly, staying here gives you the chance to experience true hospitality through the various Oaxaca accommodation options. And because the state is not overrun with tourists, you can be sure that your needs and requests will be met promptly. Hostal de la Noria, for example, has a restaurant and bar that are open until before midnight. It also offers guided tours and car rental.

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