Monday, September 2, 2013

Beneath the Surface: Boracay's Sea Creatures

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Sun, white sand, sparkling sea, endless parties, and beach resorts — Boracay's image in most people's head is usually made up of these elements. But there's more to this island than meets the eye. While many tourists are entranced by the promise of finding rest and excitement on its powdery shores, there are also others who are drawn to Boracay by the rich marine life in Sulu Sea. Here are some of the creatures that you might encounter should you venture beyond the confines of dry land.

1. Barracuda
This species can be found in seas and oceans all over the world. They start their lives by living together in small groups. As they grow older, they become more and more solitary. They feed on fish and can take on preys as large as themselves by using their fang-like teeth.

2. Corals
There are 2 types of corals, both of which are well-represented in Sulu Sea. The first is the hard coral that is responsible for building the reef structure. The soft corals, on the other hand, can be seen in the deeper parts of the sea.

3. Cuttlefish
Dubbed the chameleon of the sea, cuttlefish can change their color to communicate with others of their kind and to hide themselves from possible predators.

4. Eels
Boracay is home to a variety of eels. It's a bit hard to spot these creatures because they come in all shapes and sizes.

5. Hermit Crabs
These tiny crustaceans use discarded shells to hide their soft abdomen. As they grow in size, they eventually leave their homes for larger, more spacious shells.

6. Nudibranchs
These colorful sea slugs take their name after the Latin word 'nudus' which means naked, and the Greek word 'brankhia' or gills. While they don't have a shell to retreat to, the slugs resort to other defense mechanisms such as poison or camouflage.

7. Pufferfish
Pufferfish are mostly remembered for being poisonous creatures. They take their name after their defense mechanism which involves filling their stomach with water and expanding their size.

There are, of course, a lot of other fish species that can be found in the area. You can see them by going on a diving trip or renting a glass bottom boat. You can choose from a number of outfits that offer diving tours around the island. Most of these adventure tour organizers get in touch with possible clients through representatives stationed outside beachresorts in Boracay.

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