Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Boracay Beneath the Surface: 3 Spots for Beginner Divers

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If you're searching for more than powdery sand, sparkling sea, endless parties, and beach resorts in Boracay, Philippines, maybe it's time to set you sights beyond the shores. During your stay, you can explore the rich marine life in Sulu Sea, the body of water that surrounds the island. If you haven't joined a diving tour before, it's a great time to start during your vacation because the island has beginner-friendly diving spots. Here are some of the easy dive areas that you can explore with the help of your friendly tour guide.

Laurel Island
Laurel Island offers 2 dive sites called Big Laurel and Small Laurel. The first site has a hole that goes down to 18 meters. The other has a wall that stretches for 25 meters. Both have a lot of hard and soft corals, nudibranchs, and healthy fish populations.

Fridays Rock
About 15 minutes from Laurel Island is Fridays Rock, a coral garden and feeding station. Divers who head to this spot can actually cover 2 sites: the reef, which is about 7 to 12 meters, and the rock, which stretches from 12 to 18 meters. Among the fish species that frequent the area are emperors, triggerfish, red bass, and sturgeons.

Crocodile Island
Crocodile Island is about 20 minutes away via motorboat from White Beach. The island takes its name after its shape, which looks like a crocodile's head. The site has a sloping wall, canyons, and caves. It is also home to a beautiful collection of corals and varieties of fish.

It is safe to go on diving excursions in the abovementioned sites even if it's already rainy season (July to November). If you're looking for longer trips, you can head to Pinagatan Cays which is close to Antique. There, you'll be able to see turtles, barracudas, and different kinds of sharks.

For those who want to take a souvenir picture, there are some folks in the island who sell waterproof casings for point-and-shoot cameras. If you can't risk getting your camera wet during the trip, you can still glimpse the corals and fish by renting a glass bottom boat. Better yet, you can consider trip organizers who offer underwater photography for a special price or as part of a package. Most of these organizers get in touch with possible clients through their representatives on the beach or those stationed outside resorts in Boracay.

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