Friday, September 20, 2013

The Different Must-Visit Attractions in Muang Chumphon, Thailand

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Want to know how to have the best time in Muang Chumphon, Thailand? First, stay at A-Te Chumphon Hotel and then check out these attractions.

Khao Phang Park
A-Te Hotel offers limousine and car rentals that you can utilize to reach this park that is just a few kilometers from its location. The park is a perfect venue for leisure strolls because of its many trees, archways, and hills plus the views these provide. But the best highlight of this park is the shrine of Sadej Naikhrom Luang Chumphon Khet Udom Sak that makes a great background for selfies.

Phra Yai Temple
Another structure that is definitely Instagram-worthy is the Phra Yai Temple's giant Buddha. It is said to be the largest of its kind in the southern provinces. Though it is sitting on top of a hill, you can easily reach it by car. In case you want to climb up instead, you can park your vehicle on a large parking area available.

Cho Fah Sala Loi Temple
If you want to see something out of the ordinary, check out this particular temple near the municipal area. Here, you will find the remains of Luang Pu Song-Chanthanaro — a revered monk who died a long time ago but whose body still hasn't decayed much.

The caves of Khao Khun Krating and Kaew Kho Rum
Aside from visiting cultural and historical sites, you can also go to natural sites such as the caves of Khao Khun Krating and Kaew Kho Rum. The first one, located 12 km from Chumphon City Center along Route 41, has 2 caves that are 30 m above the ground. Its walls are filled with prehistoric drawings. The latter, on the other hand, contains awesome stalactites and stalagmites in various shapes.

Islands and Beaches
Ask your hotel in Chumphon if they know of companies offering island tours, because there are so many pristine islands and beaches that you can visit. The popular islands are Samet, Matapon, Thonglang, and La-Va. For beaches, there's the Khor Son, Phadaeng, and Sai Ree. Each of these places have different features but all offer lush greenery, clear waters, white sand, rich biodiversity, and stunning views especially by sundown.

Khet Udomsak Camp Golf Course
Lastly, if you feel like playing a few rounds of golf with your buddies or associates, this 9-hole golf course is just 20 minutes away if you stay at A-Te Chumphon Hotel. If its your first time playing, you can get the services of a caddy to teach you the perfect swing.

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