Monday, December 18, 2017

3 Tips on How to Best Enjoy a Boracay Holiday

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 When going to Boracay, how can you ensure you thoroughly enjoy your vacation there? By reducing stress while at the preparation stage. Henann Resort Boracay gives you 3 ways to iron out the kinks during planning so you can guarantee a fun-filled time in this renowned beach destination.

1. Research on the most ideal location for your trip. Boracay has 2 main beaches: White Beach and Bulabog Beach. The former is the primary tourist beach that features myriad hotels and restaurants while the latter is Boracay’s kitesurfing and windsurfing spot. There are several smaller beaches like Diniwid, Ilig Iligan, and Balinghai, but Bulabog and White Beach are the more popular ones.

Many travelers frequent White Beach as it offers a lot of activities that suit varied interests. This 4-km stretch is further divided into stations. Station 1 holds many of the upscale hotels as well as Willy’s Rock, which is a popular Boracay landmark. Station 2, meanwhile, is the center of activity with most of the shops, markets, and bars located here. Beachfront accommodations like Henann Crystal Sands Resort are also found in Station 2. And Station 3 is the quieter part of the beach, having a more laid-back vibe.

With this information, you can easily pick the area that fulfills your travel preferences and the beach resort in Boracay where you’ll be staying at.

2. Book rooms early. Possibly one of the most stressful things about planning a Boracay holiday is securing rooms especially during summer. Oftentimes, accommodations in the island close out room availability during peak days and special holidays of this hot season. So when you’re planning to go to Boracay anytime from March to June, make sure to plan months ahead so you can book the desired dates of your stay.

Many hotels also offer early bird rates and advance booking deals. Some like Henann Crystal Sands Resort give better and lower rates for summer stays if you book during the first quarter of the year. If you want to save more on your hotel stay so you can splurge more on enriching Boracay experiences, reserving rooms early is the way to go.

3. Tag along your best travel companion/s. The surest way to enjoy your Boracay adventure is spending it with the people that matter most. Whether it’s family, the spouse, your colleagues, or childhood friends, a trip to Boracay is made more exciting with their presence. Keep them involved with planning the itinerary: where to stay, what to do, and where to eat. Discover things and conquer challenges together. And at the end of the day, enjoy each other’s company while having some drinks along the beach or staying inside the cozy rooms of the island’s accommodations like Henann Resort Boracay.

Henann Crystal Sands Resort is located at the beachfront of Station 2, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan, 5608 Philippines. Visit to learn more and book direct online.

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